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Thank You!
Voters of Shiawassee County, District 3. Corunna. New Lothrop. Hazelton, New
Haven, Caledonia and Venice Townships.
Special Thanks to: Bus and Carol Spaniola, US Senator Carl Levin and the
Shiawassee County Dems!
Jack Johnson, County Commissioner-District 3
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Ph: 989-743-5000
Address: PO Box 22
Corunna, MI 48817
Statement regarding the Drain Office and
Accountability for all.
Letter regarding the County Coordinator
Letter regarding new ideas and integrity
Republican Conservative Policy is responsible for feeding the rich and robbing the poor. Not only have they been to blame, they still are. If there is a "beast" the republicans are shilling for it. The mess they have made is so big it's no wonder we are still cleaning it up. All the while, not taking responsibility and accepting blame rightfully so. Republicans, Conservatives, what ever you want to call them, on the other side of this argument have no interest in anything but power for the sake of power alone. And unfortunately too close to half of this country is too easily hoodwinked and lollipopped into eating from the hand that is killing us. We may not pull out of the mess we are in this time. There's no guarantee and each generation has to define itself and defend what is right. The greedy power hungry bastards will take over every time we fall asleep at the wheel. We all do better when we stand together as one, root for and support each other. But no, it's all about the goddamn money and left vs right. Follow the money and you'll see whose really running things. We go from a record surplus to record deficits. Clinton to Bush. And now under Obama the lowest increases in government spending in over half a century. By far lower than the republican presidents. And let's not forget the wonderful example Nixon was. There's little more than shame for republican leadership since the civil rights act of '57 and '64. That's right, a republican and a democrat. And now look what we have become. It was clearly the last straw for many when we elected a mixed race man with african decent as president. It may indeed take another century to settle our racism. A millennium even. Christ, even after over 2000 years, we still carry our flags. Not only have we not beat our swords into plow shares, we have spent trillions and trillions on weapons of mass destruction, nuclear warheads in just the past 60 years. Well over $1000 for every person alive on the planet today. And that's just the US price tag for it's nuclear arms program. Are we all pretending not to notice. And this story only begins here with the excesses of our governments and military on the backs of it's common folk. It has not fundamentally changed through all the ages. But the angels are ready and willing. Listen to their voices, you will hear them wherever there is laughter.
Quotes from the Senator at the meeting

US Senator Carl Levin with Jack during his visit to Shiawassee Democratic Hq

Shiawassee Democrats
US Senator Carl Levin
